The Way You Learn English is SLOW

You cannot separate the language from communication

The purpose of a language is to communicate with other human beings. 

If you are low on confidence, insecure and anxious in your conversations (Or you avoid speaking in real situations!), your English improvement is slow and painful. 

Academies and English lessons online focus 100% on the language. 

That’s a mistake!

Unless you are HUGELY passionate about languages, it isn’t practical. 

The best way to improve English is: 

  • Understand how the mind-body + effective communication work.
  • Learn how to access your best state of mind in your conversations.
  • Practice in real situations EVERY DAY and enjoy the process INCLUDING making mistakes. 

Real situations = 

  • Asking a question at your work meeting
  • Calling a colleague in English
  • Going to that job interview in English
  • Participating in that training/social event in English
  • Doing that presentation or webinar in English
  • Recording that video for your followers in English  
  • Going abroad and ONLY speaking English 

Etc Etc Etc

Motivation, enjoyment and effortless learning come naturally from this process.

You find yourself WANTING to watch films/videos and read in English to complement and improve your real-life process.  

You creatively find time for it, and it GIVES you energy, instead of draining you like your traditional classes. 

You say goodbye to drama and victimism about your mistakes and poor English level. 

I have seen it again and again in the 10+ years I have been training directors, professionals and entrepreneurs in excellent communication in English.  

Your traditional weekly classes are a placebo. 

It’s time for the real thing. 

If you are ready for that, take our Communication Test.

I will contact you via WhatsApp to: 

a) Give you feedback

b) Tell you if you are a good fit to join our exclusive online English Coaching Networking Group.