ECN in Companies

The cost of poor Business communication in a company.

“The Cost of Poor Communications” report by David Grossman* reveals that poor communication leads to an average loss per company of $62.4 million/year

(Survey of 400 companies with 100,000 employees in the United States).

 Misunderstandings and tension affect productivity and the transmission of know-how, leading to a waste of time and money.

Why is communication poor?

Due to a LACK of:

Many people are stressed and some are on the verge of burnout.

Poor business communication, stress, and poor decision-making feed off of each other.

This is exacerbated in a second language.

Traditional language classes DON’T cover students’ real needs.

They focus purely on the language and not on:

State of mind, goals, effective communication and soft skills.

The students end up demotivated and continue to feel insecure at meetings and business events.

ECN in-company transforms professionals and teams by helping them to access a healthy state of mind.

This enables them to think clearly, feel motivated and learn to communicate effectively, and strengthen the necessary soft skills

Performance peaks when one is in a state of flow and works with others in the best possible way

NOT when the mind is overloaded.

Business communication

ECN In-Company consists of:

Expand your Global Network in the ECN Coaching Container

Learn English


What They Say about me

"Emma’s coaching has helped me to be more relaxed and effective at work. I can now communicate easily and assertively with team members from other cultures. This saves time and stress! I am a much better listener at work AND in my personal life."
Marketing Professional, ALSO
"Sessions with Emma enable us to manage difficult conversations with ease and flow. We communicate better as a team, and now see pauses as an opportunity for fresh thought, rather than something awkward! I now appreciate that you really do need to slow down in order to speed up!"
Manager, Sngular