“Objectives” are Boring!

Let’s talk a little more about this topic, as September is a month of new beginnings.

When people talk to me about their “English objectives” I start to feel tired:

  • Improve my grammar
  • Learn more vocabulary
  • Speak like a native
  • Pass the C1 exam


The only one of those 4 that is a real objective is the last one (as it’s SMART).

But getting a certificate is also designed to make you jump through a hoop that does NOT make you an EFFECTIVE communicator in English in real situations.

I know so many people who have a C1 certificate but are dire communicators.

Instead of objectives, I prefer to ask people about their hopes, projects, dreams and goals.

The type of thing that’ll get you into flowful action with exponential results:

  • Participating regularly in international meetings.
  • Giving a TED-Talk-type speech at work to inspire your colleagues.
  • Getting a new position that requires you to speak more English.
  • Travelling abroad for business or pleasure.
  • Expanding your client-base to English-speaking clients.
  • Writing a book or a song in English.

Etc. Etc.

As Michael Neill said: “The only purpose of a goal is to make you fall more deeply in love with life”.

From there, the action and results take care of themselves.

Don’t keep boring yourself and repeating past patterns!

Try something new ;).

What are your hopes, dreams and goals in these last few months of 2024?